The history of the Ludwig Drum Company - Ludwig Drums - Ludwig Drum Sets

Vistalite Ludwig Drums

We created some of our special searches on eBay for individual Ludwig Vistalite Drums, vintage drum sets and new Ludwig Vistalite drum sets. eBay is a great place to find parts and misc drums and hardware.

Contact us if you need any help finding vintage drum sets.



Company names and logos are copyright their respective owners
This web site is not affiliated with the Ludwig Drum Company. It is devoted to Ludwig Drums and Ludwig Drum History. We have an extensive collection of Ludwig history; Ludwig Badges, Ludwig Serial Numbers, Ludwig Drum Set Catalog Scans, Ludwig Snare Drum Catalog Scans, Ludwig Jazzette History, Ludwig Standard History, Ludwig Acrolite History, Ludwig Black Beauty History, Ludwig Finishes, Ludwig Products and Ludwig Memorabilia dating back to the companies beginning in the early 1900's


Disclosure: The owner of this website, The Drum Experts, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and eBay Partner Network, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking The Drum Experts to Amazon and eBay properties including.

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